On May 24, 2018  3:30 P.M.

2051 Sheriff's Posse Trail, Prescott, AZ.  86303


(Agenda #1) The meeting was called to order at  3:37 P.M.

Attending:  Shawn Cardinal, Laura Ross, Joe Veranth, six other community members


(Agenda #2) The minutes of the 11/6/17 meeting were approved unanimously.


(Agenda #3) Shawn reported that Travis Ricketts had done the backhoe work but not placed the riprap.  Laura said that he had not been paid.  It was moved by Joe, seconded by Laura and approved unanimously that Joe would follow up with Travis, and if he failed to complete the work by June 30 would seek an alternate at a a total cost to the community not to exceed $1000 above what was originally approved.


(Agenda #4,6,7) Laura presented an estimated financial report for FY18 (this year) and a straw man budget for FY19.  Joe suggested inserting $200 into the FY18 estimate for administrative expenses to cover the budget hearing notice and $1600 for resolution of the Travis Ricketts issue (replacing zeros).  Laura asked whether we should raise the transfer to the chip-seal account this year from the budgeted $7600.  Gary Higgins observed that given Joe's estimate of 18 years before repaving at a $250,000 cost, $7,600 per year won't get us there.  Further discussion led to a consensus to transfer $8,000 this year and budget a transfer of $9,000 for next year, while keeping the rest of the budget basically unchanged. The resulting motion by Joe for a proposed budget for next year that raises the tax levy by 4% (approx. $15 per homeowner) was seconded by Shawn and approved unanimously.


(Agenda #5) It was decided that going forward, quarterly financial reports will be posted on our web site, and emailed to homeowners only by request to Laura.  


(Agenda #8) Budget deadlines were reviewed.  It was decided to hold the budget hearing at 5:00 P.M.  June 14, 2018 in the Bump room at the Prescott Public Library.


(Agenda #9) Joe reported that this year his Board seat is up for election.  The Board must notify the County that we intend to participate in the election by July 11 and publish a Call of Election in the paper twice by August 8.  Joe said he'd handle that.  Candidates must file a $500 Threshold Exemption Statement, a Nomination Paper, and a Nomination Petition with at least five signatures by August 8.  Joe said he plans to do so.  Candidates must be registered voters within the District.


(Agenda #10) During the call to the public Lauren Veranth suggested we thank Neal Manske for doing the emergency phone tree.  Fran Morris-Higgins called attention to the District 15mph posted speed limit.  Steve Fredericks asked for clarification and was told that the $11,683 tax levy in the proposed budget would be apportioned among the 44 lots proportional to the property valuations.


(Agenda #11) There was a brief review of how the Open Meeting Law impacts us.


(Agenda #12) The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.M.