On November 13, 2014 6:00 P.M.
Prescott Public Library, Bump Conference Room
215 E. Goodwin St., Prescott, AZ 86303
(Agenda #1) The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. Noel Gormay, and Joe Veranth
attended, along with two community members.
(Agenda #2) Noel moved the approval of the minutes of Sept. 25, Oct 1, and Oct 16, 2014. Joe seconded, and the motion passed with two yes votes.
(Agenda #3) Noel reported on two bids for drainage work. Ricketts Landscaping bid $1,449.00 for seven items in the RFQ plus some additional ditch work along the west side of Weekes Road across from Cardinal’s. Mountain Sunset Landscape bid $2,100.00 for the seven items. Neither Joe nor Noel saw any compelling reason not to take the low bid. Noel moved that we accept the Ricketts’ bid, and authorize Bob Keltie to pay upon receipt from Noel of the invoice. Joe seconded. Lauren Veranth asked how the work would be done, and Neal Manske asked when. Noel responded that the work would be done with a small back hoe and hand work, using a trailer to haul the rip rap, and that the work would probably begin within two weeks. The motion was passed with two yes votes.
(Agenda #4) Noel presented a bid from Carescape for snow removal for the coming season. The rates remain the same as last year. He moved that we accept the bid. Joe seconded. Joe asked about notification in case Jazz Lane needed to be plowed, and Noel encouraged than any special requests come to him rather than Frank Abbott. The motion passed with two yes votes.
(Agenda #5) Noel summarized the November election, stating that the RIMD election had been canceled by the County Board of Supervisors since Joe was the only candidate, who was correspondingly certified as the elected for the four-year term.
(Agenda #6) Noel moved that we approve making our website the official place for public notices, replacing the library. Joe seconded and the motion passed with two yes votes.
(Agenda #7) There were no current events to report.
(Agenda #8) There were no proposals for future agenda items.
(Agenda #9) Joe proposed the third week in May for a meeting. Bob Keltie will have anticipated year-end financial results by then and this allows time for the budget process.
(Agenda #10) The call to the public produced only a “Thank You” from Neal Manske.
(Agenda #11) The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 P.M.