November 6, 2017 6:00 P.M.
2370 S Jazz Ln, Prescott, AZ 86303
(Agenda #1) The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. Laura Ross and Joe Veranth were present, as well as four other community members.
(Agenda #2) Joe reported that Travis Ricketts was expecting to get the rip rap on Wednesday, and it should take a day to install.
(Agenda #3) Joe presented a snow plowing contract from Specialty Paving with the same rates as last year, and moved that we accept it. Laura seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
(Agenda #4) Joe moved the appointment of Shawn Cardinal as a new Board member to fill the position vacated by Noel and assume the title of Chairman. Laura seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
(Agenda #5) Joe called attention to the fact that two of the five community cinder barrels were empty (the one on SPT near Gentle Breeze and the one on Weekes near Briant's driveway. Travis Ricketts said he'd fill them for the same price as in 2015, and the Board agreed to have him do that.
(Agenda #6) Joe also pointed out that there were 11 cracks on Weekes, Hawk, and Butterfly Ridge, which he cleaned and filled at the suggestion of Harry Wellins in order to prevent further road deterioration. Compared to other community roads, Hawk and Butterfly ridge are deteriorating more quickly, so we may expect a lot more cracks next year. On one hand, this may argue for a major sealing job on those roads next year. On the other, Shawn pointed out that she's had a major crack in her driveway for several years, and it has stabilized with no recent expansion even without filling or sealing. This will need to be discussed at budget time next spring.
(Agenda #7) A discussion of other road maintenance issues led to Shawn's observation that Travis' recent work may not stop the erosion where water flows down Briant's driveway and across Weekes, so we need to check it next spring. Also the ditch on the east side of SPT near the Lambert/YCMSP lot boundary is in a condition similar to what was just repaired on Weekes, and may need a similar treatment next year. Finally, sightlines at the corner of Weekes & Hawk and all along Wolverton Trail need to be considered. These remain the responsibility of the landowner unless we formally choose to improve them, in which case we may inherit some responsibility for doing it adequately. Consequently, we may either continue to do nothing but remind the landowners of their responsibility, or alternatively clear the brush on the inside of every turn periodically to the full extent of the public right-of-way. We'll need to get an estimate on the latter in time for budget preparation next spring.
(Agenda #8) Laura reviewed the finances as of 9/30, the end of our first quarter. We have $8,160 in the M&O account and $42,284 in the Chip Seal Reserve. She will send a report out to the community shortly.
(Agenda #9) We discussed the two blind driveways going in near the mailboxes. This is a major community problem, but not a RIMD responsibility. Since it's a City of Prescott issue, we urge every community member to raise the subject with the (new) City Council, or better, with Ian Mattingly, the City Traffic Engineer. Our suggestion is to ask them to consider 1) blind-driveway signage, 2) a traffic mirror, and 3) a center stripe on the road.
(Agenda #10 & #11) Lacking other input, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.